Please note in the example above that the shaded fields are only required based on the series, such as the compression and rebound valving selections for the Berserker and Crusader Series, or if there is a change to the standard mounting. If these fields are not required, they are omitted from the part number all together. For example, the part number for the same shock in a Warrior Series is C211-W. If there was no change to the 1” wide, 1/2” ID bearing that is standard in certain Warrior shocks, the part number would be C211.
Some of the part number options are as follows:
“Shock or Strut Type”:
“A” Stock Mount Coil-Over Shock (coil-over hardware is included)
“B” Stock Mount Smooth Body Shock
“C” Custom Mount Coil-Over Shock (coil-over hardware is included)
“D” Custom Mount Smooth Body Shock
“J” Stock Mount Coil-Over Strut (coil-over hardware is NOT included - sold separately)
“Series and Adjustability” (See “Choosing the Series” and “Choosing the Adjustability”):
“1” Voyager Series - Double Adjustable
“2” Warrior Series - Double Adjustable
“3” Crusader Series - Double Adjustable
“4” Berserker Series - Double Adjustable
“6” Crusader Series - Triple Adjustable
“7” Berserker Series - Triple Adjustable
“8” Berserker Series - Quad Adjustable
The “Length, Mounting Style, etc. Sequence of Numbers” can have various meanings depending on the shock or strut type. These numbers for the Stock Mount (types “A”, ”B”, and “J” above) represent lengths and mounting specific to a certain vehicle. However, for the Custom Mount Shocks (types “C” and “D” above), the numbers will represent a length and certain generic mounting. All odd numbers will include 1” wide, 1/2” ID bearings for any eyelet as standard and the even numbers will have a 1-1/4” wide, 3/4” ID poly bushing that includes one 1/2” ID and one 5/8” ID steel sleeve for each eyelet.
For a list of available “Compression Valve Codes for Berserker and Crusader Series”, please see “Choosing the Series” and “Choosing the Valving”.
For a list of available “Rebound Valve Codes for Berserker and Crusader Series”, please see “Choosing the Series” and “Choosing the Valving”.
There are "Certain Changes to the Standard Mounting Style". Some of the examples are as follows:
“-D” Change to 5/8” wide, 1/2” ID bearings
“-R” Change the eyelet on the piston rod to a stud / pin mount
“-S” Change to a steep spring cap
“-W” Change to 1-1/4” wide, 5/8” ID bearings that include a 1/2” ID steel sleeve
Please inquire for other available options.